• A journey through time
    One of the most beautiful lagoons in the world

    Charming tents comfortably furnished with shower and toilets in the open.
    Live differently in the heart of nature with Mikea Lodge.
    Discover our charming bungalows and our comfortable tents for a change of scenery guaranteed!

    Book now

    Double/twin : 150 euros
    Including breakfast

    Additional bed : 30 euros

    Exclude the mandatory tourist sticker
    at 1000 Ariary/night/tent

    Our prices shown are inclusive of VAT and may be subject to change without warning depending on fuel inflation

  • Our bungalows

    Charming tents comfortably furnished with shower and toilets in the open.

    Live differently in the heart of nature with Mikea Lodge.

    Discover our charming bungalows and our comfortable tents for a change of scenery guaranteed!

    Book now

  • Keep in touch !

    Please find below our contact details and phone numbers to quickly reach the Mikea Lodge hotel. You have a question ? Would you like more information on our bungalows? You are an agency and want to get an agency rate?
    Feel free to fill out the form below to leave us a message!